Sweetly scented, creamy/ flushed pink, urn-shaped spathes in autumn with short, spear-shaped leaves following. Lovely exception in an evil-smelling bunch! The flowers squat at ground level and remind me of a huddle of gossiping monks! These could be the larger Turkish subspecies, B. marmariense but with so little to compare I am not absolutely confident of naming as such. Nevertheless a rare and very desirable offering.
Biarum davisii
Sweetly scented, creamy/ flushed pink, urn-shaped spathes in autumn with short, spear-shaped leaves following. Lovely exception in an evil-smelling bunch! The flowers squat at ground level and remind me of a huddle of gossiping monks! These could be the larger Turkish subspecies, B. marmariense but with so little to compare I am not absolutely confident of naming as such. Nevertheless a rare and very desirable offering.