Lilium Green Throat Trumpets

This seed strain was raised by the late Essie Huxley and is the closest anyone has come to producing a green trumpet lily. Large, pale lemon to white trumpets with an apple-green throat tinged lemon and greenish-brown exteriors. The result of painstaking and complex breeding involving L. nepalense, L. centafolium and L. regale. Tall stems can carry upwards of 5 blooms in mid summer. 



This seed strain was raised by the late Essie Huxley and is the closest anyone has come to producing a green trumpet lily. Large, pale lemon to white trumpets with an apple-green throat tinged lemon and greenish-brown exteriors. The result of painstaking and complex breeding involving L. nepalense, L. centafolium and L. regale. Tall stems can carry upwards of 5 blooms in mid summer. 



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