This is the first hybrid between the familiar Easter lily, L. longiflorum from Japan, and the Chinese L. lankongense to become commercially available. It spectacularly combines the vigour and pure white colouring of the former with the delicate speckling of the latter. The large, fragrant flowers are carried on strong stems and their shape is best described as downward-facing, broadly funnel-shaped, a little like L. canadense but not quite as refined. Made a huge impact when introduced for the first time at the Chelsea Flower Show 2011.
Lilium ‘Lankon’
This is the first hybrid between the familiar Easter lily, L. longiflorum from Japan, and the Chinese L. lankongense to become commercially available. It spectacularly combines the vigour and pure white colouring of the former with the delicate speckling of the latter. The large, fragrant flowers are carried on strong stems and their shape is best described as downward-facing, broadly funnel-shaped, a little like L. canadense but not quite as refined. Made a huge impact when introduced for the first time at the Chelsea Flower Show 2011.