Another gem from Alec Gray with a pale lemon, scallop-edged trumpet and milk-white petals on 15cm stem in early spring. Flower matures to bone white. Recently received an Award of Garden Merit from the RHS in trials where only a handful of entrants won approval. The Assessment Panel’s comments were, “A very early flowering cultivar. Beautiful flowers. A tough little rockery plant. Good weather resistance – survived the frost well“.
Narcissus ‘Elka’ (Gray, UK)
Another gem from Alec Gray with a pale lemon, scallop-edged trumpet and milk-white petals on 15cm stem in early spring. Flower matures to bone white. Recently received an Award of Garden Merit from the RHS in trials where only a handful of entrants won approval. The Assessment Panel’s comments were, “A very early flowering cultivar. Beautiful flowers. A tough little rockery plant. Good weather resistance – survived the frost well“.