Narcissus Spoirot and N. minor

A lucky dip of two lovely species

Narcissus ‘Spoirot’ – very large and robust hoop petticoat bearing throughout winter large, smooth, creamy-white flowers that flair a little at the mouth.

Narcissus minor – A gorgeous little daffodil species from South France and Spain (also called the ‘lesser wild daffodil) is 4”-6” high with golden trumpet and paler yellow sepals

A lucky dip of two lovely species

Narcissus ‘Spoirot’ – very large and robust hoop petticoat bearing throughout winter large, smooth, creamy-white flowers that flair a little at the mouth.

Narcissus minor – A gorgeous little daffodil species from South France and Spain (also called the ‘lesser wild daffodil) is 4”-6” high with golden trumpet and paler yellow sepals

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