Very large and robust hoop petticoat bearing throughout winter large, smooth, creamy-white flowers that flair a little at the mouth. Many championships to its credit, including the U.S. National Show Champion, 1995 and last year it was one of a handful of recipients to gain an RHS Award of Garden Merit.. The Assessment Panel’s comments were, “Beautiful, eye-catching flowers, and very floriferous. The flowers have beautiful form. Flowers are above the foliage and are a consistent height.”
Narcissus ‘Spoirot’ (Glenbrook, Aust.)
Very large and robust hoop petticoat bearing throughout winter large, smooth, creamy-white flowers that flair a little at the mouth. Many championships to its credit, including the U.S. National Show Champion, 1995 and last year it was one of a handful of recipients to gain an RHS Award of Garden Merit.. The Assessment Panel’s comments were, “Beautiful, eye-catching flowers, and very floriferous. The flowers have beautiful form. Flowers are above the foliage and are a consistent height.”