This marvellous blue flowered sage makes a neat, shrubby bush clothed in dagger-shaped, silvery-grey leaves. Dense spikes of large, showy, mauve-blue flowers arise throughout the summer and if cut back will continue on into autumn. This has been offered as a form of Salvia fruticosa but the leaves and flower colour don’t match up. Looks more like an excellent form of the culinary sage, S. officinalis.
Salvia ‘Greek Skies’
This marvellous blue flowered sage makes a neat, shrubby bush clothed in dagger-shaped, silvery-grey leaves. Dense spikes of large, showy, mauve-blue flowers arise throughout the summer and if cut back will continue on into autumn. This has been offered as a form of Salvia fruticosa but the leaves and flower colour don’t match up. Looks more like an excellent form of the culinary sage, S. officinalis.