This marvellous dwarf rock garden tulip produces brilliant copper-orange, lightly fragrant flowers on short stems in mid-season. There’s a bold yellow central zone, with striking blue-black or green-black flares at the base, and black anthers. The outside of the flower is a lighter melon colour, tinged with green. An extraordinary combination! Its leaves are neat, red tinted and undulate (snake across the surface). Has a prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society (UK) under its belt.
Tulipa ‘Little Princess’
This marvellous dwarf rock garden tulip produces brilliant copper-orange, lightly fragrant flowers on short stems in mid-season. There’s a bold yellow central zone, with striking blue-black or green-black flares at the base, and black anthers. The outside of the flower is a lighter melon colour, tinged with green. An extraordinary combination! Its leaves are neat, red tinted and undulate (snake across the surface). Has a prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society (UK) under its belt.